

Crop Circles
Psy Abilities

Located near the Nellis Air Force Bombing and Gunnery Range, in Rachel Nevada, is home to Groom Lake, where a Top Secret Air Force Base is located...Area 51. Groom Lake has traditionally been America's testing ground for the lastest generation of secret aircraft. Since the government won't acknowledge anything about the base, it's hard to tell what is going on there now. There have been rumors lately that suggest several possible new aircraft, including an ultra high speed spy plane called the "Aurora", and stealth helicopters being tested there.

What is the connection between Area 51 and UFO's
Bob Lazar, a reverse engineer, claimed that he worked with extraterrestrial flying saucers at an installation at Papoose Lake, south of Groom Lake, in the area they call "S-4". At this installation he claimed he worked with Element 115. The as-yet-undiscovered (on Earth) super-heavy element that allows gravitational waves to be harnessed and converted into energy to cross the vast distances of space quickly. Theorized to exist by the Laboratory for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt, Germany. After quiting, he was allegedly sent death threats from his supervisor, and so he decided to go public with his information in 1989, to protect his life. Other people who say they worked at Area 51 have came forward, to say that alien technology is being tested, and used at the facility.

Ever since Roswell, there has been debate on whether or not, our government has been hiding the truth on the existence of extraterestrials.  Would out government hide something like that from the american public?  The answer is "Yes."  For fear of wide spread panic, and the abolishment of government itself.  There are many factors on the reason this is.  First, religion would be in even greater turmoil, than it is already.  Second, the american public, especially the ones who are not prepared for such news, would be in panic.  And last, "How would it make them look", after all this time, we found out that they have been lying to us. 

There is an actual law that prohibits contact from an extraterestrial.  If they didn't know they exist, why would they make a law for it?  The law states as follows...

(Title 14, Section 1211, of the Code of Regulations, adopted on July 16, 1969)  Anyone guilty of such contact automatically becomes a wanted criminal to be jailed for one year and fined $5,000.  The NASA administrator is empowered to determine with or without a hearing that a person or object has been "extraterrestrially exposed" and impose an indeterminate quarantine under armed guard, which could not be broken even by court order.

What would you think if one of our American Presidents believed in UFO's?  Well, one did, and tried to do something about it.  The president I'm talking about is Mr. Jimmy Carter.  Mr. Carter was asked what he thought about UFO's, by an interviewer on his presidential campaign trail.  He was quoted on saying "I've seen one myself."  He said it was a shiny, saucer-shaped object, but did't go into great detail.  After he became president Mr. Carter asked NASA to establish a panel of inquiry to investigate ufo's.  A NASA official replied "NASA is not anxious to get into a controversy, because it is not wise to do research on something that is not a measurable phenomenon.